Home Health Line

Many agencies have seen referrals slump in 2011 as a result of physician frustration over the face-to-face encounter requirement. But take heart: There’s some reason to believe that referrals will bounce back in 2012.


You have until Feb. 27 to let the Labor Department know what you think of its proposal to require agencies to pay their home-support employees at least the federal minimum wage, as well as overtime for work that exceeds 40 hours a week.


Miami-area agencies are seeing unusually large numbers of additional documentation requests (ADRs) from their intermediary, Palmetto GBA.


The increased outside scrutiny hospices faced in 2011 will continue in 2012, but don’t hold your breath waiting for CMS to announce a new hospice payment reform model.


CMS’ new Independence at Home demonstration is designed as a physician-centered approach to home care – but there is room for home health agencies in the model as well, experts say.


The average profit on Medicare patients enjoyed by home health agencies, as calculated by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC), is one reason the commission will repeat its 2011 recommendations to Congress in its upcoming 2012 report.



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