Home Health Line

CMS’ announcement that it will grant a delay of the transition date to ICD-10 has been greeted with joy over the temporary reprieve, but also dismay from those who argue that the delay unfairly penalizes providers who were ahead of the curve.


This year’s 2.31% Medicare payment cut has forced many agencies to make painful decisions that may have alienated employees, such as cutting staff and freezing wages.


Ask employees the following preliminary questions if you decide to put together your own survey to measure engagement, recommends Dr. Mindy L. Gewirtz, founder of Collaborative Networks International in Boston:


If you want to have a truly effective engagement program, it needs to be the number one priority for everyone at the agency, says Dr. Mindy L. Gewirtz, founder of Collaborative Networks International in Boston.


The implementation of the 5010 claim submission standard continues despite the delay of ICD-10, and providers have been seeing a whole list of issues play out, including claims that seemed to get lost in the system.


CMS should adopt new screening criteria that would classify all home health agencies as a high fraud risk, the HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) says in a new report on its top management challenges.


Agencies hoping to participate in CMS’ bundled-payment demonstration with other post-acute providers could find their plans complicated by a new CMS report.


Educate patients and employees on what’s expected of them in order to prevent theft from becoming an issue for your agency.


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