Home Health Line

Patient steering by hospitals and other providers to favored agencies remains alive and well, even though such tactics often violate Medicare conditions of participation (CoPs) and federal antitrust laws.


It’s time to closely review your plans of care for specificity and conciseness: The two standards surveyors cited most often in 2011 both relate to deficiencies of the plan of care.


Implement a consistent policy that protects patient privacy and prevents legal risks if you decide to engage in wound photography. 


The new calculation method also will change the start and end dates for counting beneficiaries attributed to each cap year, CMS clarifies in its June 1 transmittal.


Individual hospice patients who receive services over several cap years will have visits apportioned to each year beginning with the 2012 cap year. 


New CMS data show that the most common standard-level citations in 2011 were related to deficiencies in the plan of care. 


If your agency is located in zone 3, you could see zone program integrity contractor (ZPIC) audits become less burdensome through improved communication between your agency and the contractor. 


The National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) has removed its recently issued face-to-face encounter forms from the links shared in last week's HHL.


The following example was compiled by Chicago-based consultant Rebecca Friedman Zuber with the assistance of Bonny Kohr, manager of clinical services at FR&R Healthcare Consulting in Deerfield, Ill. It shows a plan of care that is both concise and specific to the patient


This sample of an overlong plan of care with boilerplate phrases was provided by Arlene Maxim, founder of A.D. Maxim & Associates in Troy, Mich.


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