Home Health Line

If Medicare cuts in the 2012 PPS rule were a sledgehammer that knocked $640 million out of this year’s home health reimbursement, the proposed 2013 PPS rule’s cut of 0.1%, or $20 million, is more like a feather duster. 


Getting a survey citation could become a lot more expensive: CMS’ 2013 proposed rule contains civil money penalties, payment suspensions and other sanctions for agencies with condition-level or repeat deficiencies


If a surveyor found condition-level deficiencies at your agency and you disagree with the findings, you soon may be able to take advantage of a new resolution process outlined by CMS in the proposed 2013 PPS rule. 


The face-to-face encounter requirement could be less burdensome for agencies thanks to a proposed change to who’s allowed to complete the encounter. 


A therapy change requested by the industry and included in the 2013 proposed PPS rule actually could add to the burden of agency schedulers


In a move that could cost your agency earned reimbursement, CMS has proposed to further limit use of the diagnosis payment slot (M1024).


CMS is researching the creation of a standardized patient assessment instrument for hospices which may generate unified data for use in quality reporting.


Breaking news correction: HHL’s breaking news email on the proposed rule stated that the facility non-physician practitioner (NPP) would be able to communicate face-to-face encounter findings directly to the certifying physician. In fact, CMS proposes that a facility physician would communicate the NPP’s findings to the certifying physician.


CMS’ proposed physician fee schedule aims to make face-to-face encounters a condition of payment for DME suppliers. 


Agencies in Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington would see a 1.06% payment increase in 2013, the best deal under CMS’ proposed policies.


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