Home Health Line

Agencies in states with Medicaid face-to-face encounter requirements are beginning to come to grips with educating physicians on two different requirements, but new challenges keep emerging as the number of states grows.


The CMS proposal to impose civil monetary penalties (CMPs) for survey deficiencies has left those who’ve looked closely at the details with a question: What role, if any, will state surveyors play in deciding the dollar penalty and what role will CMS play?


Of 155 agencies that responded to HHL’s survey on how the proposed 2013 rule would affect them, 56% indicated they use a mix of manual and software tracking. Only 14% said they rely on software alone to track reassessments.


Approach your software vendor with key questions to gain confidence in your agency’s electronic tracking solution and dispense with manual backups.


Prepare for future quality reporting requirements and get a better sense of how patient family members perceive your hospice’s care by creating your own survey based on national quality forum (NQF) standards.


The data below show how agencies currently track compliance with therapy reassessments.

They also show agencies’ attitudes towards the latest CMS proposal on therapy reassessments.


Hospices will begin to receive their first PEPPER reports in late August, CMS contractor TMF Quality Institute has announced.


Medicare spending on home health continues to grow slightly, but growth has begun to level off, data from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission’s (MedPAC) 2012 Data Book show.


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