Home Health Line

CMS is “currently evaluating its options” for implementing a requirement that home health agencies purchase surety bonds to help the government recover Medicare overpayments.


Agencies nationwide have made few therapy utilization changes in response to case-mix adjustments in the final 2012 PPS rule, a new analysis by OCS HomeCare in Seattle shows.


The data below show the percentage of home health episodes provided in the first half of 2011 and 2012, respectively, broken down by therapy visit ranges.


Even if your agency is hospital-based, you may still need to earn the business of that hospital and its affiliated providers. You’ll grow referrals and improve your chances of getting a seat at the table as your hospital works to decrease readmissions and improve care transitions.


Take your volunteer service component beyond the bare minimum to save money and bolster administrative and spiritual components of your hospice operations.


In building your volunteer force, make sure to protect yourself from the increased liability to which it might expose you. Attorneys have the following advice.


There’s a new reason to update your compliance program: Government auditors are devoting greater attention to providers who bill for services provided by individuals who have been excluded from Medicare or Medicaid.


The new refresh of patient satisfaction data on Home Health Compare will occur on or about Oct. 18, CMS announced at its Oct. 3 open-door forum.


The 2013 HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) Work Plan includes a review of face-to-face compliance.


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