Home Health Line

The HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) will turn its attention to compliance with the face-to-face encounter requirement in 2013, according to its new Work Plan published Oct. 2.


Claim denials based on face-to-face encounter documentation often are the result of insufficient physician narratives, but errors relating to signatures or dates also are causing agencies to lose reimbursement.


The data below show the top medical review denials for Medicare administrative contractor (MAC) CGS Administrators from November through April, the most recent review periods for which data are available.


A new set of medical review topics from CGS Administrators is causing a wave of additional development requests (ADRs) for hospices and experts believe the edits may spread to other contractors.


Months after a $375 million fraud indictment, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has unsealed two new indictments alleging large-scale fraud based on phony physician referrals in the Dallas area.


Teach clinicians to recognize and prevent risk factors for foodborne illnesses. Such illnesses may be more common among your patients than you thought, a recent study shows.  


CMS has established a new data exchange process that will enable Medicare administrative contractors (MACs) to check for missing or incorrect OASIS forms before paying claims.


Correction: The story “Do more with less by expanding your hospice volunteer services” in the Oct. 8 issue of HHL incorrectly stated the location of All-Heart Home Health & Hospice as West Haven, Conn. The agency is actually located in Norfolk, Va.


Print the sheet below on brightly colored paper and staple it to your face-to-face form to help physicians document correctly, recommends Arlene Maxim, founder of A.D. Maxim & Associates in Troy, Mich., who created the half sheet.


Of 157 agencies who responded to HHL’s recent survey, 47.4% indicated they had received at least one denial relating to the face-to-face encounter requirement.


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