Home Health Line
Don’t underestimate the home health impact of changes President Barack Obama has proposed in his 2014 budget. They include a long-feared copay and rate reductions in the form of bundled payments – both concepts endorsed by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC).
The comments are in, and experts fear that the requirement to provide affordable health insurance to full-time employees could have devastating effects on the home care industry, forcing some agencies to move employees to part time and other agencies to be driven out of business.
Work on your communication with family caregivers now to prepare for public reporting of family experience of care measures. CMS has published its first draft of the future hospice consumer assessment of healthcare providers and systems (CAHPS) survey and will field-test it later this year.
CMS has published three different versions of its draft survey, based on whether the patient received care at home, in a nursing home or in an inpatient setting.
A photo of their vice president in a bunny costume for Easter. Information about National Healthcare Decisions Day. Photos of smiling staffers holding awards.
Make sure your staff members know how to use social media in a way that reflects well on your agency. Here are some tips from Jodi McKinney, director of corporate communications with Celtic Healthcare in Mars, Pa.
Most private duty agencies are still undecided as to whether they’ll provide insurance to comply with the Affordable Care Act’s mandate or pay the penalties for not doing so.


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