Home Health Line
Agencies are bracing themselves for a new wave of face-to-face denials now that two Medicare administrative contractors (MACs) have announced the first in-depth reviews of encounter documentation. But you may be able to recoup lost dollars by making a convincing case for a patient’s skilled need during an appeal.
Most home health agencies are severely under-budgeting for how the ICD-10 transition will impact them – or aren’t budgeting yet at all.
CMS has published its first draft of the OASIS-C1 form, a revision of the patient assessment instrument designed to accommodate ICD-10 codes.
Some Pennsylvania agencies have received word from referring hospitals that their marketers no longer will be welcome for meetings with discharge planners unless they satisfy the hospital’s vendor credentialing requirements.
New CMS guidance on Medicare coverage for patients with little or no improvement potential is expected later this year, but many agencies are even now getting ready to provide services to such patients, including skilled management and evaluation (M&E).
Home health quality measures for readmissions soon could line up more closely with those used by hospitals.
As part of a recent review, Medicare administrative contractor Palmetto GBA evaluated the medical necessity of claims with HIPPS codes 2CGK* and 1BGP*. 
Many home health agencies are budgeting less than $5,000 for their overall transition to ICD-10, illustrating experts’ concerns that agencies are underestimating the cost of the coding switch.


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