Home Health Line
CMS should reconsider its proposal to return to provider any hospice claim with debility or adult failure to thrive as the primary diagnosis because it would cause significant access issues for dying patients. That’s the consensus emerging from 127 comments submitted on the proposed 2014 hospice wage index.
Call your software vendor and voice concerns if you haven’t heard anything from the vendor about ICD-10.
More and more home health agencies are recognizing the cost savings from renting space in assisted or independent living facilities. But be cautious to avoid kickback risks, legal experts warn.
Long-term care facilities with patients who are receiving hospice care sometimes decide on their own that such patients should be hospitalized. When that happens, the hospice could end up negotiating with the hospital over payment for a hospitalization it might consider unnecessary.
Eleven states have improper restrictions on eligibility for Medicaid home health, the HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) found from a review of state Medicaid policies. But those restrictions aren’t being enforced in some of the states and CMS is readying a final Medicaid rule that’s expected to confirm any such restrictions are illegal. 
A comparison of HHL’s 2013 Medicare referrals survey with results from the 2012 survey shows that agencies have diversified their referral base.
 CMS’ proposed physician fee schedule for 2014 includes a new service for chronic care management. 


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