Home Health Line
Home health agencies must soon start providing more specific details about patients’ health status, mobility and lack of independence to justify homebound status.
Home health agencies and hospices that aren’t providing health insurance should poll their full-time employees to learn whether they receive it elsewhere.
When choosing software to maintain or improve your home health agency’s operations, test it to make sure data can be easily stored and accessed, and find out how much it will cost to maintain, make repairs and add components.

Increase revenue streams by as much as $6,000 per month by marketing wake-up and turn-down services to residents in assisted living facilities (ALF).


Palmetto GBA recently announced that it will review home health claims in their entirety even after finding a denial-worthy mistake — and that it will provide agencies with greater clarity about its reasons for issuing denials.

More than 91% of the respondents to HHL’s 2013 Health Insurance survey offer some form of insurance to their agency’s employees. Nearly half of the survey’s 84 respondents offer insurance to some or all of their agency’s part-time employees.


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