Home Health Line
“Failure to improve,” is not an acceptable reason for Medicare contractors to deny claims for skilled home care, CMS confirms in additions its Medicare Benefit Policy Manual it posted on its website Dec. 6.
 Freestanding hospices must provide more detailed cost data to CMS when new cost reporting requirements take effect. Although no penalties are associated with noncompliance, failure to fill out a new cost report form fully and correctly could hurt agencies because CMS plans to use the cost report data to make payment reform decisions.
Clinicians should train to properly answer M1309 (Worsening in pressure ulcer status since start of care (SOC)/resumption of care (ROC )) in OASIS-C1, before it rolls out with ICD-10 Oct. 1, 2014.
Job hunters are becoming more educated and demanding when it comes to looking for competitive employee benefits packages. Offering good benefits can boost retention rates.
Even if the resumption of care (ROC) assessment is completed late, you may still answer “Yes” in M2250 (Plan of care synopsis) if the relevant orders were present within the 48-hour ROC timeframe.
The percentage of registered nurses (RNs) leaving home health agencies this year has increased slightly, while the percentage of licensed practical nurses (LPNs) leaving agencies dropped by nearly 2% from last year.


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