Home Health Line
CMS has told Recovery Auditors (RACs) to temporarily cease issuing additional documentation requests (ADRs). But they will resume when CMS awards the next round of RAC contracts, so home health agencies should still keep contractors’ documentation requests or denials top of mind.
Many hospices are expressing concern about the new requirement to provide CMS with a detailed breakdown of prescription drug and infusion pump and fill data on all claims dated April 1 and beyond.
The M0090 (Date assessment completed) date will determine whether you’ll assign ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes on the OASIS for new or recertified episodes with a five-day window that spans Oct. 1, according to CMS’ MLN Matters SE1410 article, released Feb. 24.
CMS is giving home health agencies another chance to profit if they reduce hospitalizations enough to exceed savings targets.
Consider adopting clinical pathways to increase nursing visit efficiency, decrease re-hospitalizations and market to referral sources like accountable care organizations (ACOs).
Home health agencies should direct certain beneficiaries to select Option 1 on Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABNs) when a Medicare claim denial is needed to facilitate payment by Medicaid or a secondary insurer.
Top performing home health agencies conduct fewer visits per episode, but the visits are generally longer and cost more, according to data from Strategic Healthcare Programs (SHP) and BKD Healthcare Group.


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