Home Health Line
The home health industry is less than satisfied with one Medicare administrative contractor’s (MAC) response to inquiries about the Internet-based provider enrollment, chain, and ownership system (PECOS) edits that have thousands of dollars tied up in denials for some agencies.
CMS has issued several changes it claims will improve recovery auditors’ (RACs) performance when new RAC contracts are awarded within months. Among them: adjusting additional documentation request (ADR) limits in accordance with a provider’s denial rate.
The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society (WOCN) updated its best practices last month in preparation for the shift to OASIS-C1 and ICD-10 on Oct. 1.
Clinicians should focus training on some of the significant changes in OASIS-C1, including the falls risk, risk for hospitalization, worsening in pressure ulcer status and the plan of care synopsis items, now that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has finalized the assessment form.
Many agencies can reduce the number of unnecessary low-utilization payment adjustments (LUPAs) they face by making sure they have an adequate ratio of supervisors to field clinicians.
CMS has acknowledged to the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) that the zone program integrity contractor (ZPIC) Health Integrity was off base in suggesting that home health patients must show improvement to qualify for continuous episodes of skilled care.
Top performing home health agencies — in terms of criteria ranging from financials to better outcomes — have a lower percentage of LUPA visits, according to a data analysis conducted by Strategic Healthcare Programs (SHP) and BKD Health Care Group.
CMS' MLN Matters SE1410, article initially released Feb. 24, caused confusion due to its reference to ICD-9 codes being used on the OASIS-C1 assessment and its instruction to use the general equivalence mappings (GEMs), which was intended to ease the strain of coding claims that will span Oct. 1.


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