Home Health Line
CMS is offering ICD-10 submission alternatives for agencies having issues with their billing software and vendors submitting claims beginning Oct. 1. And the complexity of these alternatives has led some industry experts to recommend that agencies consider billing clearinghouses.
ICD-10 vendors say they’ve prepared providers for the Oct. 1 start of the new ICD-10 coding system, but questions remain about the readiness of state Medicaid programs and private insurers.
Run code verification tests immediately on your agency’s electronic health records (EHR) system to determine its state of ICD-10 preparedness.
Getting OTs involved in helping a patient improve in bathing has led one agency to stand out nationally on bathing care. And that’s increasing in importance since M1830 (bathing) is slated to be a measure that will be used to determine payouts in CMS’ proposed value-based purchasing model, slated to begin in January.
The U.S. Court of Appeals won’t delay — or speed up — enforcement of its ruling that extends Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) protections to about 1.9 million home care workers.
by: National Research Corporation, Seattle
Agencies included in CMS’ proposed value-based purchasing demonstration for home health have room for improvement in several activities of daily living, data from Seattle-based National Research Corporation show.


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