Home Health Line
by: Bartlesville Community Care Transitions Team
Home health agencies should consider using a sample transfer of care form to improve to improve the continuity of care for their patients.
Home health agencies and other health providers in one Oklahoma community have taken collaboration to a new level, offering an example of how putting patients first can contribute to better outcomes and improved star ratings even in a competitive market.
Now that Alzheimer’s disease has risen to become by far the most commonly used hospice claims-reported diagnosis, hospices must be even more certain that their documentation for Alzheimer’s patients can withstand auditor scrutiny.
Presentations and associated scenario answers from the Home Health Quality Reporting Program (HHQRP) provider training conducted by CMS in Baltimore on May 4 are now available for download. 
When your agency enters into a contract with a commercial payer, do you just sign on the dotted line? If so, you could be missing out on an opportunity to negotiate better reimbursement rates and terms, and risk making a mistake that could cause serious financial harm in the long run.
Learn how the documentation coders use to assign ICD-10 codes could undergo a stringent QA and improvement process before the record ever reaches their desks.
A new appendix in the State Operations Manual contains interpretive guidelines and survey procedures for the emergency preparedness final rule, which takes effect Nov. 15.
by: CMS
The ICD-10 code for Alzheimer’s disease, unspecified was used nearly 163,000 times in the 2016 fiscal year, making this the most common diagnosis. The equivalent ICD-9 code for Alzheimer’s — 331.0 — only was used as the principal diagnosis 79,626 times.


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