Home Health Line
by: Strategic Healthcare Programs, Santa Barbara, Calif.
More than 36% of patients who have just one home health visit in the first seven days of care return to the hospital within 30 days, according to data from Strategic Healthcare Programs (SHP) of Santa Barbara, Calif. This stands in contrast to a rate of 15.5% and lower for those who have two or more visits in the first week of care. The data involve nearly 6.6 million episodes of care.
Ensure that all of your home health agency’s patients have individualized plans for what to do in the event of an emergency — and that you document conversations with patients about emergency preparedness. Agencies found during surveys to be in noncompliance risk being cited.
Discuss with vendors and clinicians CMS’ plan to replace Social Security numbers on Medicare cards with new Medicare beneficiary identifiers (MBIs).
CMS is eliminating automated review for recovery auditors (RACs) and revising the definitions for the various types of pre- and post-payment reviews that various contractors can perform.
Consider sending a fake message to track which employees open an attachment or click on a link they shouldn’t. Then use the recent massive WannaCry ransomware attack as a teaching moment on what can happen if a virus infects your system.
Have a quality assurance nurse review all patients on start of care to make sure clinicians are using the right visit frequency for at-risk patients.


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