Home Health Line
CMS and its contractor, the RAND Corporation, explained during a Sept. 28 open door forum on the IMPACT Act that a decision has been made not to include data elements involving cognitive function and special services in 2018 fiscal year final rules.
Even agencies that have studied up on Medicare’s new emergency preparedness Conditions of Participation (CoPs) will find value in new online training similar to what CMS surveyors are taking.
As you prepare your agency for the Home Health Groupings Model (HHGM), examine how many visits you provide individual patients during 30-day periods — and determine whether those episodes would be considered LUPAs under HHGM.
by: Minneapolis-based ABILITY Network Inc.
About 42% of home health episodes in 2016 involved care that would be considered Medication Management Teaching and Assessment (MMTA) under the proposed Home Health Groupings Model (HHGM), according to an analysis by Minneapolis-based ABILITY Network Inc.
Recent changes will once again require agencies to change their I-9 forms and ensure proper communication is given to all hiring managers and human resources staff responsible for I-9 verification. Failure to do so could result in hefty fines for agencies.
The collapse of yet another version of an Obamacare repeal-and-replace bill in the Senate likely means that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) status quo will persist for a while, though other Trump administration machinations may affect the program’s ability to provide inexpensive coverage for patients.


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