Home Health Line
When preparing for the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM), it’s vital to examine how many visits your agency provides individual patients during 30-day periods — and to determine whether those episodes would be considered LUPAs under PDGM.
Home health agencies and other facilities only would need to review their emergency preparedness programs every two years if a proposal from CMS is finalized.
A new Senate bill seeks to eliminate the use of behavioral assumptions when determining payment rates under the proposed Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM).
CMS has announced it is finalizing a proposal to add the measure “Improvement in management of oral medications” and remove the measure “Drug education on all medications provided to patient/caregiver during all episodes of care” from home health quality of care star ratings.
Agencies recently asked a number of questions of industry experts J’non Griffin and Joan Usher. Griffin is president of Home Health Solutions, LLC in Carbon Hill, Ala., and Usher is president of JLU Health Record Systems of Pembroke, Mass.
As coders mark the third anniversary of the U.S. adoption of ICD-10 this October, its newly minted successor is waiting in the wings, nearly ready for adoption.
by: The Joint Commission
The Joint Commission collects data on agencies’ compliance with standards and National Patient Safety Goals to identify trends and focus education on challenging requirements. The data below identify the top 10 Joint Commission requirements that are most frequently “not compliant” during surveys and reviews from Jan. 1, 2018, through June 30, 2018.


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