Home Health Line
Although CMS may make minor changes before the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) launches on or after Jan. 1, 2020, the model appears to be largely settled and agencies are now beginning to examine what operations will look like under it.
New items capturing self-care and mobility have been among the biggest challenges for clinicians involving OASIS-D, with struggles ranging from difficulty understanding item guidance to issues with scrubber software flagging inconsistencies between these and certain existing items.
New results from CMS’ targeted probe-and-educate review indicate the home health industry has made little or no progress when it comes to improving the quality of documentation Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) are seeking.
CMS’ decision to suppress payments associated with requests for anticipated payment (RAPs) for new agencies also may impact existing agencies “going through a change in ownership,” a CMS spokeswoman tells HHL.
While “Hospice and palliative care pain assessment” remains the most difficult individual measure for providers to earn high marks on when it comes to the Hospice Item Set (HIS), the hospice industry continues to improve significantly on it each quarter.
Following a recent DecisionHealth webinar about the final interpretive guidelines for the revised Home Health Conditions of Participation (CoPs), agencies asked questions of industry expert Diane Link, owner of Link Healthcare Advantage. Here are some of Link’s answers.
Agencies will face evolving compliance challenges beginning this year. Here’s a rundown of what our experts predict you can expect in compliance in 2019.
by: DecisionHealth's OASIS-D Survey
More than 75% of agencies expected a decrease in clinician productivity in the first quarter of 2019 due to OASIS-D, while only 6% expected an increase in productivity because of it. That’s according to the 270 respondents to a question on DecisionHealth’s OASIS-D Survey.
Use this tool to better understand the differences and similarities between longstanding M-items used to capture functional ability and activities of daily living (ADLs) and the GG items new to OASIS-D. 


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