Home Health Line
Medicare Advantage (MA) is on the rise, and with that, so is the opportunity for home health agencies if they can get creative about how to demonstrate their value.
Educate aides on how to talk to patients about advance directives to ensure the most current information is on the plan of care and to better enable all staff to provide appropriate care consistent with patient wishes.
Agencies now have clear direction from CMS on how to handle the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) episodes in which no visits are ordered during the first 30-day payment period.
Following a recent DecisionHealth webinar about how marijuana legalization impacts home health agencies employment policies, agencies asked questions of Miranda Watkins, attorney with Fisher Phillips in San Diego, Calif. Below are some of her answers.
by: BKD
The average estimated payment per period under the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) varies by clinical group and from state to state, according to analysis by BKD Health Care Group of Springfield, Mo.


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