Home Health Line
CMS hosted an open door forum on July 29th during which time they provided home health and hospice agencies with the following key regulatory updates.
Agencies can expect continued scrutiny of payment periods with visit numbers just above the LUPA thresholds, according to a recent report.
Some home health agencies have started offering outpatient therapy services as a new service line in response to the growing demand for patients to receive this service in the home.
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has issued a ruling making it easier to discipline or fire employees for offensive speech.
Over the last few months, work as we know it has drastically changed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) identified six standards in addition to the General Duty Clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) that apply to businesses opening.
This table shows a breakdown of LUPA rates by visit threshold and clinical group. The last two rows show the percent of HIPPS (all 432 HHRGs) that had those corresponding visit thresholds and percent of payment periods that are in each of the threshold groupings. 


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