Home Health Line
The results of this year’s election will likely mean new leadership at CMS, under President-elect Joe Biden, but a ballot question in one state has put fresh attention on another hot topic for home health industry leaders: the minimum wage.
The October 2020 update to public data on home health agencies will be the last until January 2022.
A drop in the number of charts completed by those who are doing coding and OASIS review is, in part, due to the January implementation of the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) and the specificity required in documentation that came along with it.
CMS released the draft Hospice Item Set (HIS) Manual V3.0 on Oct. 8, 2020, and agencies should take note that Section O, the “hospice visits when death is imminent” measure pair, is being removed from the manual to make way for the new measure.
This is a compliance ethics policy and procedure tool that can help set the standard for staff education and training and foster a stronger culture of compliance. This tool was created and shared by Lori Apple, RN, president & CEO of CorsoCare in Mildford, Mich.
Coders who perform both coding duties and partial OASIS review average between 11 to 15 charts — down from last year’s 13 to 15.


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