Home Health Line
Agencies have new educational resources available to prepare for Home Health Value-Based Purchasing, including an expanded 35-page FAQ document released by CMS in February. It will likely be followed by more engagement from CMS to prepare agencies for 2023 implementation.
OASIS-E will bring several changes for agencies when implemented in January 2023, and perhaps one of the biggest differences is the incorporation of the Brief Interview for Mental Status (BIMS).
Make sure your policies for a vaccine mandate include increased infection control responsibilities for those unvaccinated employees granted an exemption from the CMS Omnibus COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination Interim Final Rule.
The fourth most common survey deficiency for home health agencies in 2021 was G682 (Infection prevention). The agency must follow accepted standards of practice, including the use of standard precautions, to prevent the transmission of infection and communicable diseases.
This table shows the average number of visits for each period of care broken down by levels of acute care hospitalization risk.


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