Home Health Line
All agency staff will need a refresher on the regulations that will be returning with the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), now expected May 11.
Agencies struggling with medication reconciliation should consider setting up a medication reconciliation peer observation study as an effective way to align the Conditions of Participation with clinical practice.
The national average for the measure, “How often the home health team determined whether patients received a flu shot for the current flu season” showed a significant decline from a national average of 78.7% in January 2022 to 74.4% in January 2023.
Hospices may soon be required to immediately report all abuse and neglect allegations of patients in hospice care to a state survey agency.
Most current OCR audits are a result of complaints about your entity or are a result of a breach.
The most recent update of Care Compare reveals a decline in the percentage of times the home health team determined if patient received a flu shot that season.


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