Home Health Line
As the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) plots a future rule to address workplace violence in health care settings, home health care leaders are building their own guidance around workplace safety.
Issues with the dash are emerging as one of the top challenges and areas that could slow coders and reviewers down with the new OASIS-E.
Staffing shortages have led to heavier workloads, coders leaving the office to cover for nurses, increased overtime, burnout, lack of quality referrals, inability to accept new patients and less time for reviews, according to respondents to DecisionHealth’s 2023 Coders’ Productivity Survey.
If still awaiting the occurrence of the face to face, we have been submitting the POC for signature then sending a change order with the face-to-face attestation to the certifying physician for signature after the face to face occurs. Would this be an acceptable procedure?
A new memo demonstrates that the current NLRB considers retaliation against employees who have workplace discussions about racism constitutes an unfair labor practice, even for non-union employers.
Results of DecisionHealth’s 2023 Home Health Coders’ Productivity Survey show expectations for daily productivity is challenging coders.


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