Regulatory Compliance
For a patient who has both asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), you would assign J44.89 (Other specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
by: Rebecca Herold
In the event of a cyberattack, how should health care entities document their response efforts to demonstrate compliance with HIPAA regulations?
In anticipation of the first HHVBP payment adjustments in January 2025, CMS is making moves to prepare agencies, as well as releasing an additional tab in the July interim reports with benchmarks and achievement threshold for the revised applicable measures for 2025.
Investigators are making it easier for whistleblowers to report alleged fraud and abuse, but efforts to get ahead of employee complaints will reduce your agency’s risk of government investigations and whistleblower action.
CMS has refined its signature requirements for prior authorization and medical review processes, but these changes won’t address some of the common mistakes agencies make when it comes to physicians appropriately signing and dating the plan of care (POC) and certification. 
Some agencies in the Review Choice Demonstration (RCD) will have to change their processes after CMS announced the extension of the demonstration in the same six states for an additional five years.
Stress to clinicians the importance of delivering patient rights information “in advance” of furnishing any care.
by: Elizabeth Hogue
What should providers do to identify imposter among their nurses?  Agencies should do frequent competency checks, regular licensure checks, verify education and more.
Despite most symptom codes not being PDGM-approved primary diagnoses, they are still making their way into the primary code position on claims, according to data from Strategic Healthcare Programs’ (SHP) National Client Database which collects the top 10 questionable encounter codes assigned.
New versions of the cost report forms for home health agencies account for one new field and the removal of an outdated field.


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