When clinicians respond to OASIS-E’s C1310 (Signs and Symptoms of Delirium), ensure they know the difference between aspects of this item such as inattention versus altered consciousness. 
Try using words such as aching, burning or hurting to help patients understand what is being asked for the OASIS-E items J0510-J0530 (Pain interview).
One of the most common mistakes during a quality review with M1870 is mistaking “meal set-up” as “meal prep."
New and updated guidance from the OASIS quarterly Q&As is making its way into the 2024 OASIS-E Guidance Manual, giving clinicians all of the guidance included in the quarterly updates in one place.
As HHVBP continues to take hold nationwide, one area to focus OASIS efforts may be on item M1850 (Transferring) as this item impacts payments from a few different angles.
Make sure your clinicians are accurately scoring GG items as changes set in the final rule make several of these items critical to your Care Compare public reporting and your bottom line under HHVBP.
An intercepted fall would be considered a fall under M1033 (Risk for hospitalization) response “1 — History of falls (2 or more falls — or any fall with an injury — in the past 12 months),” CMS clarified in the quarterly OASIS Q&As, released Oct. 17. 
Having a full understanding of a patient’s vision status — and accurately capturing that through OASIS-E item B1000 (Vision) — can help you adapt a care plan to ensure both patient safety and positive outcomes.
OASIS-E item B0200 (Hearing) may get glossed over due to its seemingly straightforward nature but getting the correct answer to this question can go a long way to keep patients safe and determine homebound status.
Don’t get too caught up with the word “entirely” in response “3” for the OASIS M1800 items.


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