Agencies should look to spend about a quarter of their overall IT budget on servers and networking equipment.
Many agencies plan on taking advantage of the latest and greatest in technology trends, such as mobile telehealth, to meet growing challenges faced by the industry.
Outsourcing your agency’s information technology (IT) roles can save it tens of thousands of dollars, a significant savings in indirect costs in the wake of years of regulatory cuts to the industry.
Remodeling a stagnant or flawed telehealth program can turn a failure into a success and ultimately reduce your agency’s rehospitalization rates.
One simple solution has helped an agency save more than $100,000 a year: Being able to fax electronic medical records to doctors through its computer system, without needing to print or mail anything.
Wheaton Franciscan Home Health & Hospice, Inc. didn’t start to recognize the full benefits of cloud computing until last February when the agency’s managers provided its nurses, therapists and clinicians with Verizon Mobile Hotspots.
Agencies that have made the switch to storing information in “the cloud,” or a remote server rather than on an in-house client server, are recognizing the benefits of secure data and  reduced costs in maintaining IT departments and servers onsite.
Costs are becoming less of a barrier for agencies looking to shoot and post videos on their websites.
A recent study shows that the push toward reducing readmissions has led to an increase in telehealth use among home health agencies.
For those agencies using Windows XP, now is the time to purchase new computers, buy new operating systems or contract with a third-party vendor to provide future patches to protect your patient information.


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