The percentage of time that clinicians mark “0 — Does not apply — I have not had any pain or hurting in the past 5 days,” for new OASIS-E item J0510 (Pain effect on sleep) varies greatly depending on the region that agencies operate.
The percentage of time that clinicians mark “0 — Does not apply — I have not had any pain or hurting in the past 5 days,” for new OASIS-E item J0510 (Pain effect on sleep) varies greatly depending on the region that agencies operate.
OASIS-E has added as much as one to two more hours to the start-of-care assessments for 20% of 64 agency reps who responded to DecisionHealth’s OASIS-E Impact Survey.
The most recent update of Care Compare reveals patients are improving more during home health in areas such as ambulation and bathing. Data were collected from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022.
Results of DecisionHealth’s 2023 Home Health Coders’ Productivity Survey show expectations for daily productivity is challenging coders.
by: DecisionHealth Staff
Hourly pay rates are more popular than per-visit pay rates, according to 876 home health agencies surveyed in the 2022-2023 Home Care Salary and Benefits Report.
The data roll up the response scores for the level of dependence/independence for the seven self-care GG items.
Those taking an hour to an hour and a half to complete one chart jumped from 7% in last year’s survey to 20% now.
OASIS-E has added up to 30 minutes to code a chart for 73% of the 142 respondents to DecisionHealth’s Home Health Coders’ Productivity Survey.
by: DecisionHealth Staff
M1850 (Bed transferring) was among the top OASIS items that were most often returned to agencies with recommended scoring corrections based on supporting information in the patient’s chart.


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