Fraud and Abuse

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Prepare for greater scrutiny from state Medicaid programs as well as possible rate cuts if your agency provides services under a Medicaid home- and community-based services waiver.


Shield your agency’s computers, laptops and other electronic devices against cyber attacks to prevent breaches of protected health information. 


The government seems to be taking a tougher line on beneficiaries who accept money to pose as bona fide home health patients. 


Beware of physicians who try to charge you a fee for completing face-to-face encounter documentation. 


Expect enforcement of privacy and security rules in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to intensify this year, and prepare for a final rule that will raise the stakes for violators.


New information from CMS and investigative reporting by The Dallas Morning News have uncovered numerous compliance problems that existed before the government announced its recent unprecedented fraud crackdown in Texas.



The recent indictment of the Dallas physician who allegedly masterminded some $374 million in Medicare and Medicaid fraud has caused serious aftershocks in the local home health market.


It pays to challenge the findings of a zone program integrity contractor (ZPIC) audit: Many providers have been able to reclaim the vast majority of challenged reimbursement at the first, second and third levels of appeal.


The government has moved on an unprecedented scale against an alleged home health fraud conspiracy involving at least 81 Dallas-area agencies and a physician whose record-size practice made referrals that cost Medicare more than $350 million and Medicaid more than $24 million in improper payments. 


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