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Part of the new guidance will require agency management to be able to identify the nationally recognized source for infection prevention and control standards that the agency uses. They’ll also have to be capable of explaining why those standards were chosen for incorporation into the agency’s program.
Beware of MAC activity when your patient changes a physician/practitioner. Some agencies under the Review Choice Demonstration (RCD) say they have gotten non-affirmation letters for lack of documentation to support the handoff between the two providers. Experts stress they see no clear regulation that supports this requirement.
Measuring key performance indicators commonly linked to rehospitalization will allow agencies to recognize recurring patterns and downward trends in patient care. 
Plan of care and certification issues edged out face-to-face encounter mistakes in the latest round of Targeted Probe and Educate (TPE) denials.
Make sure that you’re training clinicians annually on best practices around workplace violence prevention. It’s one of the key recommendations from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) following the death of a home health clinician in Connecticut in October.
Hospice, home health and other post-acute care providers are getting a clearer picture of CMS’ plans for capturing Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) items in the future, with a request for information in the hospice payment rule laying out questions CMS envisions asking patients.
Agencies nationwide will want to closely monitor CMS for updates to the Review Choice Demonstration (RCD) as it appears set to expire on May 31, but could be extended in the current six states or expanded to more.
Industry leaders have argued against the 80-20 rule, noting the other costs that the rule doesn’t account for and the potential that this will negatively impact access to home care services as some agencies are expected to close or exit the Medicaid program.
CMS’ new HHCAHPS fact sheet provides a standardized way for agencies to educate patients to look for the surveys and hopefully improve response rate.
One of the biggest challenges for hospice providers over the next 18 months is going to be staff education around the new quality measures tied to the Hospice Outcomes and Patient Evaluation instrument.


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