Fraud and Abuse
In its guidance to state surveyors, CMS added new language for the patient’s rights survey procedures around protecting the patient from abuse or neglect, G430. 
Agencies might be tempted to find out what competitors are offering their staff, but these conversations can violate antitrust laws and are strictly prohibited.
Agencies trying to follow the law need to pay attention to reports of fraud and abuse in the industry, as these criminal charges and large settlements have only emboldened prosecutors — and state and federal investigators — as they focus their attention on home health providers.
Employee embezzlement is rampant in health care. It can also be very difficult to prevent.
A huge embezzlement case in New York’s Nassau County is a stark reminder that health care providers are potential targets for embezzlers, and many providers don’t make the simple adjustments that can prevent it from happening to them.
The government’s approach to compliance keeps evolving, with new trends emerging every year.
Ensure sound protocols are in place for how to respond when an employee alerts you that your agency may have admitted ineligible patients. And make sure to follow through with those protocols.
Many of the most recent civil monetary penalties and affirmative exclusions imposed by the HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) involved settlements by providers for employing an excluded individual.
Educate your patients about their new Medicare cards and the ways people can protect themselves from fraud associated with the cards.
Experts say there has been an increasing focus on fraud enforcement when it comes home health care involving Medicaid. This makes it even more important to be sure you’re hiring the right staff and double checking that the services you bill for were in fact provided.


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