It is important to accurately assess for the OASIS-E items that pertain to feeding and eating — M1870 (Feeding or eating) and GG0130A (Eating). While both the M items and GG items address Activities of Daily Living and mobility, there are important differences in the rules and conventions governing the items that will impact scoring.
Make sure clinicians are assessing patients based on the specific tasks for the two different toilet transfer questions on the OASIS. Accurately recording the results impacts your payment and publicly reported data.
Agencies should be taking advantage of the voluntary period of submission of Start of Care (SOC) OASIS for all-payors in order to prepare for the changes coming July 1.
Make sure that staff members fully understand which items allow for the use of a proxy and which are self-report only when assessing for and gathering information for the SDoH items on the OASIS.
For OASIS items that require a clinical assessment to determine height, weight, functional status and pressure ulcers, agencies should base their responses on assessments done by agency staff and not directly from a previous care setting’s documentation.
Here are the three OASIS questions that are the focus of the Transfer of Health Information (TOH) measures. 
Agencies should begin preparing their clinicians for any challenges with obtaining accurate information when responding to the new COVID-19 vaccination status item — set to take effect Jan. 1 with the implementation of OASIS-E1. 
Educate staff on how to best address new OASIS items assessing Social Determinants of Health (SDoH), as finalized in the 2025 Home Health Prospective Payment System final rule. Encouraging clinician confidence around these sensitive topics could help your agency target issues that undermine patient outcomes.
Height and weight must be obtained by the agency during the appropriate assessment window. It cannot be completed with patient or caregiver-reported information or a height/weight found on referral information.
Patients may respond to questions in English or in their preferred language with the assistance of an interpreter, and you would not code "X — Patient unable to respond," CMS advises.


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