Private Duty
Home care companies and certified home health agencies can build partnerships to address patient monitoring to reduce hospitalization and preventable events and improve patient satisfaction. 
Successfully marketing in a post-pandemic landscape requires a comprehensive strategy that involves a combination of relationship-building, effective communication and demonstrating the value of your services.
There are different funding sources available for seniors who are having trouble covering all of their living expenses, including money to afford their home care.
Agencies looking to improve operations and focus on growing referrals should look to their Net Promoter Score to identify areas of improvement.
The proposed Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rule that would ban non-competes, threatens to strip agencies of the direct-hire provision that protects against clients getting hired away from the agency by a caregiver.
Digital marketing through Facebook or similar avenues allows agencies to pull data from key metrics and use it to target messages to that audience.
Clients don’t typically see schedulers face to face, but they are the individuals driving the business in a lot of ways, so it’s important to curb turnover and promote an environment that allows schedulers to grow the agency.
A conversation about word-of-mouth referrals, client retention and how agency owners can set the foundation for trusting relationships with clients and caregivers.
When an agency is trying to determine adding concierge services, look at adding services people most commonly ask you about
Keep it simple when building relationships with community referral sources.


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