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Beware of MAC activity when your patient changes a physician/practitioner. Some agencies under the Review Choice Demonstration (RCD) say they have gotten non-affirmation letters for lack of documentation to support the handoff between the two providers. Experts stress they see no clear regulation that supports this requirement.
The two most important factors contributing to the cost of caring for a patient with wounds are the number of visits made by clinical staff and the types of products that are used to treat the wounds.
Agencies looking to increase their wound care patient census can do so through a variety of strategies including utilizing positive wound care outcomes and partnering with wound care vendors to increase their reach and value proposition to referral sources.
An update to the language found under M0030 (Start of Care Date) was included in the draft version of the OASIS-E1 instrument, released in May. OASIS-E1 is set to take effect Jan. 1, 2025.
by: Rebecca Herold
In the event of a cyberattack, how should health care entities document their response efforts to demonstrate compliance with HIPAA regulations?
by: DecisionHealth Staff
On average, patients in the wounds clinical group received more visits than nearly all other PDGM clinical groups.


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