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Data show more field staff than not have experienced dangerous situations and are looking to you to create a safer environment where they want to continue working.
Make sure clinicians are assessing patient breathing and not just asking about breathing issues and checking off boxes when scoring for M1400.
Reinforce your verification process through checklists, spreadsheets or calendars to avoid the costly fines, citations and fraud investigations that could occur if personal care attendants don’t meet state or federal qualifications for providing Medicaid services.
Large health care data breaches may get national headlines, but CMS has made it clear that home health agencies will face increased scrutiny over their HIPAA compliance during surveys. Agencies that fail to routinely train staff on HIPAA compliance and implement policies and procedures to protect patient information in the home, office and everywhere in between could face steep fines or criminal penalties.
Agencies are focusing training more on the OASIS GG items as answers to these items will be used to calculate discharge function scores and Home Health Value-Based Purchasing bonuses in 2025.
Industry stakeholders warn agencies will be cutting services and some rural and smaller providers will have to weigh closing due to CMS’ proposed 1.7% home health payment cut for next year. Criticism of the payment cuts was one of the most frequent concerns among the more than 1,000 comments submitted in response to the 2025 Home Health Prospective Payment System Rate Update proposed rule.
Prioritize OASIS training to try to find a last-minute boost in your Home Health Value-Based Purchasing (HHVBP) results for 2024. And get ready for the changes impacting your scores in 2025.
Working to connect patients with local resources for housing stability and utility access could boost high-risk patients’ engagement with the plan of care and see fewer rehospitalizations.
Ensure clear communication with hospital discharge planners as patients prepare for home health by making sure the hospital knows the information your agency needs to start care timely.
CMS finalized the national payment update, new quality measures around pain and non-pain symptom response, the HOPE instrument and CAHPS updates.


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