The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) issued its latest report to Congress on March 15, 2023, including a recommendation for steep payment cuts for home health agencies and a reduction in the hospice aggregate cap.
Claiming home health payments are substantially in excess of costs, MedPAC is recommending that, for 2024, the base rate for home health agencies should be cut by 7%.
“Medicare’s payments for home health services are too high, and these excess payments diminish the service’s value as a substitute for more costly services,” MedPAC stated in its report.
For hospices, MedPAC is recommending that Congress wage adjust and reduce the hospice aggregate cap by 20%.
“Under this recommendation, payments would increase for many hospice providers by an estimated 2.9%,” MedPAC stated. “Payments would be reduced for providers with very long lengths of stay and low costs relative to payments.”
Read more from the MedPAC report: