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The results continue to show significant year-over-year improvement nationally for several OASIS-based measures, as well as modest increases in HHCAHPS scores.
Gentiva, successor to Kindred at Home, has agreed to pay $19.428 million to resolve allegations that Kindred at Home and related entities knowingly submitted false claims and knowingly retained overpayments for hospice services provided to patients who were ineligible to receive hospice benefits under various federal health care programs.
Clinical judgement should be used to determine if the patient is able to respond for each of the Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) OASIS items, CMS clarified in the July 2024 quarterly OASIS Q&As – released July 11. 
A proposed rule regarding infection diseases is tentatively scheduled for release in November and a workplace violence in health care proposed rule is scheduled for release in December.
CMS is expected to release the final rule no later than the first few days of August. The 2024 final rule was released July 28 last year and the 2023 rule was released July 27 the prior year.
Mail-only responses are at 23.2% and phone-only responses are at 21.0% in the fourth quarter of 2023. But mixed mode, a mailed survey with a phone follow-up, saw a 28.5% response rate.
This settlement resolves allegations that agencies provided lease payments and other valuable benefits, including wellness health services, sports tickets and meals, to numerous assisted living facilities and their residents, as well as certain health care providers, in exchange for referrals of Medicare beneficiaries.
The panel looked at measures for behavioral and mental health, patient experience, pain management and immunization.
Estimates on the total number of jobs in home health care services fell by 3,500 in June, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Effective Oct. 1, coders will now have a way to capture a post-acute encounter for sepsis aftercare with the new code Z51.A (Encounter for sepsis aftercare). 


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