Home health care services added nearly 20,000 jobs in May, leading all health care sectors.
Home health care added a seasonally adjusted 19,600 jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Last May, home health care services added less than half that number.
It has been a strong spring for job growth, with 14,200 jobs added in April and 13,300 added in March. The BLS estimates home health care services has added 30,000 more jobs this spring than employers added in spring 2023.
Overall health care added 68,000 jobs, according to the , in line with the average monthly gain of 64,000 over the prior 12 months.
In May, Hospitals added 15,000 jobs, physicians offices added 13,400 jobs and nursing and residential care facilities added 11,000 jobs.
The BLS estimates that there are more than 1.76 million jobs in home health care services, compared to 1.61 million in May 2023 and 1.53 million two years ago.
See the full release from the BLS at https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm.