Home Health Line Breaking News
We will be conducting planned service maintenance on your Home Health Line website, Saturday, December 16, 2023, beginning at 7:00 a.m. ET. The maintenance should not exceed 3 hours.
The commission that provides guidance to legislators on Medicare spending is expected to finalize the recommendation early next year ahead of a formal submission to Congress next spring.
Employers in home health care services added 5,900 jobs in November, continuing a climb for the industry, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
OIG alleged that the agency employed an individual that it knew or should have known was excluded from participation in federal health care programs.
There were no additions to the Home Health Quality Reporting Program included on the list, released Dec. 5, 2023.
The rest of the top five were no plan of care or certification, medical necessity not supported and unable to determine medical necessity due to OASIS not being submitted.
Effective Jan. 1, 2024, these claims will use Type of Bill 032x only. Disposable NPWT claims that use Type of Bill 034x will be returned to the provider, CMS notes in the updates.
Hospice visits in the last days of life (HVLDL) dropped from 49.2% in the Nov. 2022 refresh to 47.9% in the latest refresh.
Participate in our 2024 Trends Survey so that we can learn where the industry is moving in 2024 and share with you and other readers some of the top insights from the survey results.
The employer violated the Fair Labor Standards Act by not paying the additional half-time rate for hours over 40 in a workweek, and failed to maintain records of hours worked by the affected workers, according to the DOL.


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