Recruitment and Retention
If you ask home health and other health care providers to describe their ideal leader, many will bring up qualities like compassion, communication skills and empathy. They’ll also describe someone who involves them in the decision-making and solution process.
Focusing on joy in the workplace has the goal of improving daily life within an organization for everyone, but it also has a ripple effect. Many studies across various disciplines point to the benefits of a happy, engaged workforce.
Achieving health equity requires active participation by health care leaders, and a major step forward is appointing a health equity officer (HEO) to keep your organization on track. This person is responsible for stewarding the crucial work of improving equity and health equity to ensure every patient receives the best possible health care.
Bad leaders are roadblocks to patient care, but good leaders help it thrive. Effective leadership will be a vital part of patient safety and running a successful organization as we approach 2025 and continue to navigate rising levels of violence, artificial intelligence, nursing shortages, pandemics, supply issues, natural disasters, regulatory changes and financial woes.
Implementing automation technology services into your agency’s recruitment strategy is one way to streamline the process and cut back on time spent performing tasks manually. 
Staff evaluations can offer more than a measuring stick for individual performance. Done right, they can provide a comprehensive view of a department or agency’s overall performance and often lead to improved efficiency, staff retention and patient outcomes.
For the first time in several years, the average home health coder’s salary did not increase in 2023. In fact, the average salary actually decreased slightly from $69,653 in 2022 to $68,183 in 2023. Experts note that there could be a few things contributing to the leveling off of coders’ salaries.
The best caregivers or clinicians are the ones who have empathy for their client, patient or loved one. If the capacity for empathy has been depleted, it could negatively impact the patient or client’s care.
Agencies that implement mental health interventions for staff could see diminished stress among clinicians and aides, renewed employee focus and higher-quality care, experts say.
by: Brian Ward
You don’t give the same dose of medication to every patient, and the same is true with training health care staff, says Dr. Robert Lloyd, a vice president of improvement science and senior improvement advisor at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). This is the idea behind the dosing approach — what a staff member or group needs to know to do their job well should determine the amount and type of training they receive.


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